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Thursday 7 November 2013

Our Shower Cap: Saving Posties, as well as your blow dry!

We really had our morning cheered up when we read on the Mascara&Malteser Blog that even busy models can admit to wearing shower caps - frog-themed ones, at that... even when there's a risk of scaring the Postman

"So I have now been using these for a few days now and I am very happy to say it actually works, and at the cost it is very much worth every penny. Anything that saves me time styling my hair is a winner. Some issues I have found with previous shower caps, yes frog hat I am looking at you, is that it still lets in humidity somehow and it often leaves a red ring around my scalp where the hat was placed. Luckily the Save The Blow Dry Shower Cap doesn't do either of these things. This is really something you need if you don't do a daily hair wash! Plus how cute is the design? Hopefully the postman won't be so frightened when I answer the door in this beauty!"

Belle, we're sure that you can pull off the frog-look, but we're glad you found us! Thanks for the review! - You can read it in full, here!

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