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Thursday 12 December 2013

Restoring Faith in Shower Caps since 2013!

Another review from the U-S-of-A arrived with us, this week - with news that we had restored Jennifer's faith in the Shower Cap!

Jennifer at Stylishly Social Blog says: "I’ve resigned myself to smuggling disposable hotel shower caps as well as wrapping my shower capped head in a towel when I need extra reinforcement. I bought a pricey big-brand shower cap from Sephora years back and it lasted all of a couple months before the elastic just gave out altogether. It was a little flimsy to begin with too, and didn’t always keep all of the moisture out. Save The Blow Dry renewed my trust in shower caps! It’s super cute and very well made, with a combination of an absorbent micro weave toweling inner layer and waterproof outer layer. It eliminates humidity and condensation from affecting that precious blow dry (or straightening, or whatever else!) Not only that, but you can turn it inside out and use it over deep conditioning treatments! Genius!"

Read the full review, here!

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